Wednesday, July 22, 2009


A large part of being a sports fan is defending your team's place in it's particular league. Every fan wants their team to be the best year in and year out so they can talk shit to fans of every other team. A lot of fans are so passionate because their team's success translates to a feeling of personal success and the ability to trash talk. I can attest to that because the Lakers last 4 championships had me feeling DAMN good and even better when I got to rub it in the face of the doubters/haters.

BUT...not everyone can be a Lakers fan (or other top-tier teams for that matter), so not only do they lack that feeling of success but it makes it kind of difficult to defend your team. This doesn't stop some fans who despite years of failure, wasted lottery picks, and supposed "saviors" still see their team as the best of the best. One of these funny style dudes, let's refer to him as Clipper Brian, loooooooves to hate on other teams, the Lake Show especially, because he sees in them what his own team lacks. Despite this he continues to spew verbal diarrhea like the following:

"I'll have a championship in the next 5 years...cook it, fish fry it on dankla...them my words"

Wherever you're at in 5 years I'll be calling to collect that c-note and no doubt listening to why that year's #1 pick is gonna turn the team around.

Until then...


It should be noted that despite rooting for a team expected to finish near the bottom of the league every year, not once has Clipper Brian jumped ship to another team. There is a respectable quality in that, so take note all you bandwagon fans *cough* Requasen *cough*
by KingJaffeJu

1 comment:

  1. it's funny how the title of this entry describes your state of mind, when you must of posted this lol ..because obviously the lakers are not the true champs!..dank la followers deserve to know the truth..n the truth is that boston basketball reigns supreme n wll continue to do so for years!!!!! n i'm no bandwagon, like alot of your fellow laker fans that hoped on the team after they started winning the back to back titles :)...

    they love to hate us..but we remain the all u laker fans, i hope i offend..when a nigga says celtics in 010! oh maynnnnnn i cant fucking wait till the new season so we can begin our seek and destroy mission on the rest of the nba hahaha
