Friday, August 28, 2009

Best of Both Worlds

Dutch Masters now makes cigarillos combining the taste, freshness and slow-burning nature of a dutch with the size of a swisher. Where as a regular dutch you would usually tear off some of the excess paper these cigarillos need no doctoring.

Grape dutches>grape swishers, as the grape flavor isn't as strong/artificial tasting

Herbals for dutch #1

Requasen out to prove he can handle rolling a dutch despite some initial difficulty.

Just to reiterate, no skimpy's around these parts.

By far Requasen's best dutch to date.

Ingredients for dutch #2

Final product

Watching Trailer Park Boys

By KingJaffeJu


  1. ay that sesh was proper..u know how we do! dutch cigarillos for the win


  2. where the fuck do you get those at?

  3. got them at a smoke shop on hollywood blvd. but you can find them online too
