This pic of the bowl below was from a pretty epic night, more pics to come...
This was posted infront of my house so I decided to snap a pic of it. If you know anything about cars, the pic should be enough said...
Sunday, Jpap and I attended our last Dodgers game of our season tickets.
Dodgers mirked the giants 6-2. Fuck Lincecum and the giants.
by A.Math aka Crackman
it's a fucking movement!!!!!!!!!!..real shit everyone be on the fucking lookout GOOD MUSIC COMING SOON..n i dont mean no bs slept on kanye west label lol..rolling up j's now? i see u cough: slippin cough: haha jp ...that gt3 is fucking fireeee, u shouldve tried to hot wire that muthafucka..n beautiful bowl but i'm pretty sure it was takin for promotional reasons