...I hit 'em and nevermind 'em, forget 'em and nevermind 'em." -Stack Bundles RIP
Sometimes life will throw curveballs at you, but all you can do is deal with it.
There will be many obstacles that you must face and overcome in life and there is no avoiding that. One of the things I have learned is, let what happens happen and deal with it from there. You can't change the past, or even people for that matter.
Im not trying to get philosophical with you guys, just keeping 100 as always, but just a few words of wisdom may help anyone when they read that.
So back to business as always: (click pics to enlarge)

I wanna give a few shout outs, first to all the homies up at
Allergic to Aid. Big ups to you fellas, not only for being part of the family, but also cuz those wake and bake blunts during the week are no joke lol. Hitting me up at fucking 9am to see if im trying to blaze, you all know who you are lol. I got you!
And secondly I wanna shout out the big homie Russs at
ATA. For two reasons...
1) cuz of this pic that jpap snapped of you on your bday lol

and 2) cuz your blunt game is on the rise! you rolled a nice fatty the other morning and I must say I was very impressed. Keep up the good work youngin.
Wake and bake sessions are always proper!
A.Math aka Crackman